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Stand With Crypto To Launch "America 💜 Crypto Tour" in Battleground States

August 14, 2024

Washington, D.C. - August 14, 2024 - Stand With Crypto Alliance, Inc. (SWC), a leading advocacy group dedicated to educating and mobilizing crypto voters, announces a voter turnout program in five key states. Starting in September, SWC will launch the "America Loves Crypto" bus tour across the country, with stops in Phoenix, Las Vegas, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia.

"We've accomplished so much in just one year, and now we're ready to turn our 1.3 million bipartisan advocates into decision makers in key swing states," said Logan Dobson, Executive Director of Stand With Crypto. "Recent polling shows us that the crypto voter can be the difference in battleground states, and they are energized and excited to support pro-crypto candidates. Stand with Crypto has a community-sourced scorecard for lawmakers and candidates, and we're excited to help educate crypto advocates on where politicians in their area stand. Armed with information, our advocates could make the difference in tight races across the country."

"There is no doubt that the next generation of voters in the U.S. will be paying closer attention to crypto and blockchain," said John Anzalone, partner at Impact Research. "These voters are younger, more racially diverse and want to know where candidates stand on all issues, including crypto. They could be the deciding factor in many battleground states."

Recent polling by Impact Research of crypto owners shows that in five key swing states (AZ, NV, MI, WI, PA), there are 8x as many crypto owners enthusiastic to vote for candidates who support cryptocurrency than the vote differential in the 2020 Presidential Election. Additionally, polling shows that:

  • There are 52 million crypto owners nationwide and 4 million are in these five key swing states
  • Current crypto owners in the five swing states are more likely to be under 35 (22% compared to 13% of all crypto aware adults) and non-white (25% vs 18%). They're also bipartisan (identify 44% Rep, 39% Dem).
  • 2/3 of them are enthusiastic to vote for candidates who support cryptocurrency.

To help turn out and educate this important voting bloc, Stand with Crypto will be kicking off a bus tour around the country. The tour will include policy maker and founder discussions, musical guests, and voter registration drives. The following is the planned schedule (venues may be subject to change).

  • AZ, Phoenix - 9/4 - Thunderbird Lounge
  • NV, Las Vegas - 9/5 - The Space
  • MI, Detroit - 9/12 - The Lager House
  • WI, Milwaukee - 9/13 - Red Rock Saloon
  • PA, Philadelphia - 9/16 - Vinyl Philly